Some pictures for you guys as you knw, pictures tell the best story. Enjoy! XDD
Can you recognize this? I drew it! nice ont ar?? hehe...
This is another drawing, by Xin Yin.
Pretty? This is actually for the decoration of our booth.
Can you see wat is happening? Guess!
Here you go! We are burning a RM1 note. XD
After that, we walked around to visit other booth. One of the booth allowed us to make our very own bouncing ball. (make from glue and boric acid)
This is a mixture of water and shining powder. The begining of the process.
Now, glue and boric acid are added. Need to leave it for about 5mins.
Tada! This is Xin Yin lor... XD
This is Tong Seng from Johor. A talkative boy! If he's lost, you'll find him in girls' group! XD
And this is Wei Jia. The boy that I mention to you all last time. Do you thk he looks like me? =.=
(We were actually striring the mixture after 5 mins to uniform it)Finally you see me. Miss me? Hahahaha....
She pretend to be very busy and serious. lol~
This is the result! Beautiful??
Cheers! ^^
Will be posting the dissection photo. Must read! Very interesting! XD