Woke up early today, wanted to go back to SI2 for certifying my certificate for the personal update of co-cu in TARC. First I went to a photostat shop to photocopy all my certificate. The worker there, really! No words can describe! Like turtle, the movement i mean.
When I reached my school, I was so happy to go back, going back to that place. All the memories, happy, sad, excitement, disappointment, everything! I can say all that memories are sweet for me. ^^
Unfortunately, things never goes that well until i reached the office. All clerk that I know wasn't there but all new faces. Doesn't matter, as long as I can get my thing done and go to find some of my teachers. I step forward and ask for "pengesahan" from PK.Koko Cikgu Alias.
"Hari ini tak ada orang. Semua sibuk kat dewan. Ada program."
"Pukul berapa boleh saya datang balik?"
"Sepanjang hari sibuk"
"Jadi, boleh saya ambil balik buku koko saya?"
"PK.Koko cuti seminggu. Datang balik minggun depan"
Wah! The clerk's face, like charcoal! I wonder why such people can work in SI2. Really mempersiasuehkan! Today only I knew most of my teachers were transferred to another school. All the good teachers were sent to the so call Sekolah Elit.
Sekolah Elit: Once the school is set up, only those who got 5As in UPSR(for malay) or 8As in PMR can enter. Which such condition, how can that school not elite? (and only malay can enter this school)
However, this school wasn't that elite also. The result not better than us also. No wonder they have to transferred our good teachers there.
What can I say today is, really GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT for SI2. First time, I have such feel towards SI2. *sad*
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