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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Never been here to vent my anger as well as speak out my feeling!


Stress out! So many things happened recently which I thought I can deal with it, which I thought I won't give a damn.

Why are you acting in front all of us? You think it's funny to wear on a mask? I bet you're being suffer too! So why are you doing all this? Can't you just, be nice, be true to us? You always tell me this people bad that people not good. How about you? YOURSELF??? Treat others well so that others will treat you good too!

Am I that naive? I believe you... I trust you...

Why do I care you so much?

Why am I getting jealous?

So many why in my mind...How to ask? I tried to ask one of my question, end us the answer upset me... I really get disappointed with the answer.. What a lame excuse!

Just tell me the real answer! DO NOT TRY TO CHEAT ME! I'm not stupid when you're lying to me, you're actually insulting me! F!

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