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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let go, then accept

Say Hi to my new hair style! =)

Changed my look. What do you think?
"Where comes you courage to cut your hair?"
"How will you willing to cut your hair?"
"How long you took to had your hair that long? Why?"
All sorts of questions from friends.

Ya, where come my courage? Let me tell you, when you're ready, and willing to let go and put down your past, there comes your courage. 
No matter how deep the love between us, it's not as deep as God's love. So why now let go and concentrate in loving God? So why not put down and focus on my goal?

It was a hard decision and a hard time for me I admit, but everything will come to an end, and mine is already here. I'm now accepted the truth. =)

Be contented. The world is so beautiful!

New look, new starting, new goal. Keep concentrated and run towards my goal! ^^

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