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Monday, May 31, 2010

Personal Economy Crisis~

Was sick last month, and spent a lot of money to see a doctor~ Medicine, scanning, medical check-up and bla bla bla bla... Used up lot's of money! Let me think, hmmmm around RM500! I totally don't have that much money in my account because I bought a mp4 during PC Fair... *regret* I was force to borrow money from my sister... In May, Once my dad bank in money for me, I immediately return the money to my sister (they're working and need money as well, not good to owe them money also).

So, in the early of May, I left RM200 for the whole month! Yea I know it won't be enough...(at first i tot i can live with RM200 for the whole month, everyday Rm1.90 rice marr...) I FAILED! lolx~ Serious homesick so i went home, bought ticket used up RM60++. Register for MUET Examination RM60. RM80 left. Deficit also lolx~ now still owe my sos RM260. =.="

June is coming! Wait my dad bank in money for June, 1st i'll return money 1st. Rm440 for June, should be no problem cause will have 2 weeks holiday... maggi mee can save a lot! XD

Wait this deficit being balanced and no more crisis, I'm going to buy myself something that I'm dreaming for these days ^^ (my wishlist is still very long~~ :P)

~~~my little wish~~~
* 'Crunchy' Chocolate *
[Never eat for quite some years~]
* Famous Amos biscuit *
[Smell good, taste GOOD!]
* McD Spicy Chicken Mc Deluxe *
[Maybe will have a double? haha!]
* couple of nice Tee *
[some of mine worn out T.T I love them!]
* an A4 size tray *
[for all my notes and tutorials]
* bubble milk tea *
[i miss them!]
After STPM, I'll be going for some part time job, earn some money and buy my things!!! hooray! ^^
~~~my big wish~~~
* VIAO laptop *
[a pink one preferable]
* camera *
[normal digital cam or DSLR? hmmm]
* watch *
[ i want BABY-G!]
* handphone *
[mine is having problem now T.T]
Wait i've earn enough money, I'll get myself all this stuff! wahahaha~~
Wish me luck while going through this crisis and hope that my dreams will all comes true! ^^

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