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Monday, May 31, 2010

TANK - 会长大的幸福

在 夜市里逛地摊 送你一副耳环
你很喜欢 一整晚笑声不断
陪 你看电影哭完 戏里相爱好难
你很感慨 现实会害人离散

你说浪漫 和贫富无关
在捷运车站 不在乎围观

一天比一天像公主 梦都被满足
明天笑闹着 嫉妒

为你 生日的夜晚 亲手料理晚餐
你真可爱 很捧场吃两碗饭
你 电话有点摔坏 一直想帮你换
努力加班 你心疼得泪打转

你说浪漫 和贫富无关
在捷运车站 不在乎围观
一天比一天像公主 梦都被满足

明天笑闹着 嫉妒

用生命为你变魔术 永远被保护
我们唱着歌 欢呼


[I remember, the promises, and i wait, patiently]
[I remenber, the promises, and i give my best to give]


Finally we went out, just us! XD *happy*
I've been looking forward to these time and finally we made it! hehehe~~

I love the journey, I love the walk~
I love the movie, I love the dinner~

I love the journey, I love the lunch~
I love the movie, I LOVE YOU! XP

I love every moment that we spent together, as long as it's with you~~

Thx for the sweet moment~ ^^

Who Are You?!

Stop acting like my father
Stop annoying me
Stop teasing me
Stop your nag as well
Stop your bad attitude
Stop talking much
Stop giving comment
Stop thinking you are always right
Stop scolding
Stop being stupid
Stop making us to hate you

Stop everything, but start to close your mouth and do your job.


That's enough!

Personal Economy Crisis~

Was sick last month, and spent a lot of money to see a doctor~ Medicine, scanning, medical check-up and bla bla bla bla... Used up lot's of money! Let me think, hmmmm around RM500! I totally don't have that much money in my account because I bought a mp4 during PC Fair... *regret* I was force to borrow money from my sister... In May, Once my dad bank in money for me, I immediately return the money to my sister (they're working and need money as well, not good to owe them money also).

So, in the early of May, I left RM200 for the whole month! Yea I know it won't be enough...(at first i tot i can live with RM200 for the whole month, everyday Rm1.90 rice marr...) I FAILED! lolx~ Serious homesick so i went home, bought ticket used up RM60++. Register for MUET Examination RM60. RM80 left. Deficit also lolx~ now still owe my sos RM260. =.="

June is coming! Wait my dad bank in money for June, 1st i'll return money 1st. Rm440 for June, should be no problem cause will have 2 weeks holiday... maggi mee can save a lot! XD

Wait this deficit being balanced and no more crisis, I'm going to buy myself something that I'm dreaming for these days ^^ (my wishlist is still very long~~ :P)

~~~my little wish~~~
* 'Crunchy' Chocolate *
[Never eat for quite some years~]
* Famous Amos biscuit *
[Smell good, taste GOOD!]
* McD Spicy Chicken Mc Deluxe *
[Maybe will have a double? haha!]
* couple of nice Tee *
[some of mine worn out T.T I love them!]
* an A4 size tray *
[for all my notes and tutorials]
* bubble milk tea *
[i miss them!]
After STPM, I'll be going for some part time job, earn some money and buy my things!!! hooray! ^^
~~~my big wish~~~
* VIAO laptop *
[a pink one preferable]
* camera *
[normal digital cam or DSLR? hmmm]
* watch *
[ i want BABY-G!]
* handphone *
[mine is having problem now T.T]
Wait i've earn enough money, I'll get myself all this stuff! wahahaha~~
Wish me luck while going through this crisis and hope that my dreams will all comes true! ^^


Last Friday, that was 28th of May, I had moved from Genting Court to PV12(Platinum Lake Garden). This is a nice place, new and "look" high class~ However, it is not as high class as we think. I'm living in 24th floor, corner lot facing the Pasar Tani. It is SO noisy in the night! Even 3am there're still someone singing out there. I won't mind if their singing is like Jay or Taylor, but NOT! They are all William Hung! OMG! (btw, no more singing today...mayb they'll have it only during weekends. but that's alr ENOUGH!)

Another worse thing is, KLMU(I don't even know what stupid college or university is this) rented several houses as their hostel. This reall freak me out! Housing area, become hostel. (M's hostel some more... =.=") The students are really noisy! Running here and there, shouting and laughing. I would say they're like primary school students. CHILDISH! Don't they know they're actually disturbing others??!

Besides students, there are lots of foreigners. Nigerian mayb. They come in bunch! BUNCH! some of them are really "hamsap"! duh~ PV12~~~

The last thing i hate is, the traffic here... Not convenient at all! no bus stop, means no metro bus or rapid KL, college bus only 1, which I cannot rely to go for class on time. =.=

Half year, after this half year, I won;t be coming back to this place. NO MORE!!! NO MORE TARC!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

XX 不只是两个人的事



We study together,
We read together,
We have our class together,
We listen together,
We have the same lecturer,
We use same books,
We spent same time,
We do same thing,

but why we have different outcomes?
cause there are smarts and idiots in this world~

Follow what your heart and mind want??

"Just do whatever you like. Don't care about the others"

Can we really do as what this line says? Can we really take no considerations of the others, but only ourselves? Can we really have no bother by other things?

I HOPE WE CAN! but actually we cannot. Such selfish act should not be accepted...

I wanted to read, but there's other things else that I need to do. I can't just leave if a side! I wanted to study, but my time is occupied by other things. I can't just leave it a side! I wanted to rest but I have no chance to. I wanted to hang around but i cannot.

WHY?! WHY?!?! WHY?!?!?!
Why must I live a life like this? Why must I??

I'm going to burst! SOON!

Can anyone donate me time? extra 2hours for a day will do... 2 hours for my own stuff...