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Friday, October 31, 2008

Dream Loves

My man should be:
  1. Know God well and we can help each other in this
  2. Good in music (Guitar!)
  3. Will know what i'm thinking although i didnt mention
  4. Will never think i'm annoying
  5. Will admit me in front his friends

Valetine present I dream for:

  1. Flowers
  2. Handmake cookies (All by his ownself!)
  3. Romantic movie
  4. A walk in garden
  5. Watching sun rise at the beach
  6. A kiss! ^^

Wow!!! That's damn nice! Hehe...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ghost?! (swt")

Yesterday i slept around 4am, and I wake up around 10am this morning. The time i wake up, I was in extreamly bad mood! Why? Because i had a dream last night, a very stupid, annoying and a bit scary and funny dream.

[The dream begins in a kitchen, and few people were having their dinner, unhappily. The concept in the dream was a ghost wanted to attack us by scaring us through our dishes, and we have to defence his attacking by the faithwe have in God. After those poeple finish their dinner, it's our turn to take the challenge. I remember my comrade in arms were my cousins Dong and Hui, my sis Jie and Dee, bro ChunYip, Justin and sister Hannah. We were informed that our enemy was a 'bonny ghost'. After that, we begun our fight. 1st I took some vege and ate it. While chewing, suddenly I founf that there were bones from the vege. I calm down and throw them up. I was very scare that time, thinking of I couldn't win in that fight. I tell myself that my faith i God is greater that everything, so I continue. What I remember was I was the last one to finish every rice in my bowl. And after done eating, we have to wash our own bowl in a room where the ghost was. I have no time to finish my dream then i woke up. Who knows if i could sucess in the fight? I'm very sure that i'll fight till the end without fear as I know that the Lord will fight together with me.]


I think i'm crazy now! Since yesterday, i always hear someone's talking and mumbling outside my room. I thought it was my family, but once I went out, no one was there! I too heard the guitar sound from behind during I study! The guitar is just behind me, inside my room, but i could hear it was strummed or even the sound of it's falling! It's really annoying! My dad claimed that I was thinking too much, but I didn't!

This morning, i was inside my room and i heard the gate was open and closed continuesly. I knew that no one was at home that time but i still went down to make a comfirmation. Once again, no people was there!

Am I going crazy?! =.="

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's a HappyDAY!!!

I'm so so happy 2day!! Why? Hmmm... this is a secret...! Hehe... ;p

Monday, October 6, 2008



今天我没去上课,因为家里没人,我被负责接送妈妈和豪豪(我的外甥)去做工和去奶妈家。为什么家里回没人呢?因为...我爸他病倒了!加上今天晚上, 他已经在医院3天了。几天我成为了爸爸的替身,做了他平时所做的事情。(当然,我没有替他上班)如果不时亲身体验,还真不知爸爸平时有多辛苦呢!

  1. 老早爬起床,载了豪豪去奶妈家然后送妈妈去上班。(奶妈家离市区很远呐!)
  2. 去看医生(我自己啦)
  3. 到银行换卡账,然后去还电话费,再去还电费。
  4. 回到家已经是10.30AM了。
  5. 很累的躺在沙发上,正要睡着的时候...
  6. 卫生局的人竟然上门检查,说了一大堆废话。
  7. 11.40AM出门,先去买报纸,然后去接妈妈。
  8. 到外婆家拿啊姨敦的田鸡汤。
  9. 和妈妈一起送食物,报纸和衣服给爸爸。
  10. 陪妈妈到青苗买一些东西,然后去打抱午餐。
  11. 吃包后,陪妈妈准备晚餐所需的食材。
  12. 卫生局的人再次上门,这次是要喷蚊油。
  13. 在妈妈到医院,把食物拿给爸爸,再陪他谈天。
  14. 和妈妈到NIRVANA买爸爸的东西。
  15. 回家冲凉,又匆匆忙忙的出门,去接豪豪。
